Softball Cheers Chants
Softball cheers and chants for cheerleading become more popular as the game of softball becomes bigger and bigger every year. Chants and cheers for softball are becoming wildly popular as softball tournaments continue to grow and the competition heats up against one another – but all in good fun though.
There is something special about cheerleaders and the memories they rekindle in the hearts of millions. It is safe to say that when your grandparents or parents attended college they either played in some type of sport, were a cheerleader, or at least one of the enthusiastic fans who was enlightened and entertained by the cheerleading cheers and chants for their school. It is quite common for students to take pride in their school colors and the sports teams that bear them in competition. The same has held true for softball cheers chants and the sport continues to grow.
Chants cheers for softball serve the same purpose as cheers and chants in any sport. They are used to lift the spirit; to show support for the team. By getting the fans involved; cheerleaders can get their team motivated because the fans scream these softball cheers louder and louder in support. The job of motivating others through chants and cheers for softball is not always easy, but for those who can accomplish this feat; it delivers a feeling hard to comprehend. Before we explore some of the many softball cheers and chants for cheerleaders out there; let us learn a little about the history of cheerleading first.
Cheerleading History
Cheerleaders came into play long before softball ever became popular. Although organized cheerleading traces its birth back to 1869; softball appears to have been officially born in 1887. Strangely enough both were established surrounding a football game. In 1869 Rutgers and Princeton University squared off in a college football game. Of course that men’s pep club was very primitive to how we view cheerleaders today. In 1998 the University of Minnesota could not win a game if it was given to them. Then the university put together a group of guys to provide cheerleading chants and cheers that would show team support. Johnny Campbell put a megaphone to his mouth and the rest was history. He shouted “Rah, Rah, Rah! Ski-U-Mah! Hoo-Rah! Hoo-Rah! Varsity! Varsity! Minn-e-so-tah! Interesting note: It would not be until 1923 that women would be allowed to be cheerleaders and of course that changed cheerleading forever.
Enter Softball Cheers
The sport of softball was born in 1887. It grew in popularity and today it is an extremely popular alternative to baseball. Regardless of the sport; cheerleading is a means of energizing the crowd and the team in play. Softball cheers and chants are designed to do just that. For example, here is a popular softball cheer:
“Olay, Olay, Olay, Olay, hit the ball the other way!”
This could be used in order to get your hitter to hit the ball where a defender cannot catch it. Some cheerleading cheers and chants are quite simple; others a little more extensive. Take this softball cheer for example:
“Extra, extra read all about it were gonna win and there’s no doubt about it! Shimmy to the left shimmy to the right stand up sit down fight fight fight!”
Cheers for softball hat rhyme are the most effective. The reason is that cheerleading chants and cheers that rhyme are catchier and tend to stick in the fans minds, which makes them easy to memorize and repeat. Here is a cheer for softball that has been chanted down through history:
“We don’t play with Barbie dolls. We just play with bats and balls. We don’t drink no lemonade. We just drink our Gatorade. We don’t wear no mini skirts; we just wear our softball shirts!”
Here is one that is similar:
“We don’t play with little dolls, we hit hard with bats and balls, we don’t got ribbons in our hair, we slam that home run OUTTA there!”
How many times have you heard this? “Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate?”
Softball chants and cheers have long become a part of Americana. Our summer and fall evenings have so very often been filled with neighborhood softball games where cheerleading cheers and chants have lifted our spirit and provided enjoyment not soon forgotten. For many of us those cheers for softball were realized during the best period of our lives and we look forward to our children and grandchildren’s softball games so we can once again live those softball cheers.