Cheerleading Quotes and Music – Two Great Tools

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Mar 162011

Cheerleading Quotes & Music

Any and every cheerleading instructor should make it a point to search and find cheerleading quotes and music on the internet and offer printouts to team members. It is important to establish the right culture and mindset for cheerleading and this can easily be done with the right cheerleading music.

The Image of Cheerleading

Some cheerleaders walk into the team presuming that it is just another form of dance. Others feel that cheerleading is nothing more than what they have seen on TV and in movies. Then their are those who walk into the team thinking most of the cheerleaders are filled with snobs and that there is little if any hard work involved in cheerleading. WRONG!

In such a scenario, you would do well to ignore your lectures and your desire to give long winded speeches. Instead, you should make use of quotes for cheerleading. Many quotes available on the internet are from ex cheerleaders themselves. When new entrants read quotes where cheerleading is equated with athletic enthusiasm and is called the heart and soul of the sport, they automatically realize that they are a part of a very big movement.

The Idea behind Cheering Quotes

Most quotes by ex cheerleaders focus on the grueling and intensely physical activity involved. Further, mental strength is essential because you cannot stick to a specific routine and specific set of jumps, stunts and moves unless one is mentally tough.

If you want to connect with the young generation, you should make it a point to not just restrict yourself to cheerleading quotes but should also focus on cheerleading music. If you are an instructor, you will have to spend a lot of time listening to different types of music for cheerleading.

Characteristics of Cheerleading Music

As you listen more, you will realize that music for cheerleading is as misunderstood as concept of cheerleading itself is misunderstood. Music for cheerleaders must be rhythmic and should enable the team to play out all its cheerleader routines, stunts and jumps. It should also give sufficient scope for your team to yell its quotes or cheers aloud.

Yet, the music for cheering that you choose should be unobtrusive and should not over shadow your performance. At the end of the day, the music for cheerleaders should help set the tone and tempo for the game and encourage the athletes but should not convert the game into a rock band.

Encouraging Cheerleaders to Work Hard through Cheer Music and Quotes
One of the best ways to introduce young cheerleaders to the requirements of this sport is to encourage them to find out different sources for music. You can also encourage them to check out cheerleading quotes on their own.

The task of finding cheerleader music will encourage these students to work harder. It will also help you get rid of all those students who presume that they will be having lots of fun without any hard work whatsoever. Rather than making a fool of themselves during the practice sessions, they will check out the various quotes for cheerleaders and may come to the conclusion that this is not the right thing for them. A good way to weed out those who are not dedicated to the sport of cheerleading.

Importance of Cheerleading

Those who do come back would have a clear idea of how important cheerleading is for the sport and for the college. Those who read up the history of cheerleader quotes will also find out that men were the first cheerleaders and they are still a significant component of the cheerleading structure.

Many young boys may not be comfortable wearing colorful tights and may hesitate at the idea of prancing around in front of fans to cheerleading music. However, when they realize that it is no different than the fancy dance forms they get to see on television, they will automatically change their mind and work hard at cheerleading and include cheerleading quotes as well. You can achieve all this by simply pointing them towards cheerleading quotes and music related to the sport – two great cheerleader tools!

Cheerleading Cheers for Cheerleading help Team Performance

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Jan 102011

Cheerleading Cheers

Fun cheerleading cheers for cheerleading are the heart and soul of cheerleading. More recently cheerleading has become complicated and flamboyant today. However, for a very long time, it consisted of cheerleading cheers alone. Have you seen cheerleaders shouting cheers at the top of their voice in the midst of their routine? If yes, then you have just witnessed the basic function of cheerleading.

Cheerleading has been around for more than a century now and we all probably know what it is all about. At first look, it looks like a complicated set of movements, jumps, stunts and actions designed to keep the viewers interested in the game. However, the basic function of cheerleading is to stimulate the athletes and make them perform better, and this is best done by loud cheers by cheerleaders.

Why does it have to be so loud? The volume of cheers by cheerleaders has two functions to perform. One, it must reach each and every fan in the stadium and should enthuse him or her to stand up and start applauding. Secondly, the cheers must be audible to each and every athlete who is trying to perform at the best of his or her ability.

The logic behind cheerleader cheers can be traced back to battles in the ancient age. A single individual was given the responsibility of banging a drum or blowing a trumpet or waving the flag to keep the soldiers’ morale sky high. When the adrenaline starts to flow, people do things that they never thought possible. That is exactly what cheerleaders try to achieve.

Cheerleading Cheers Make Sport Fun

In contemporary society, cheerleading cheers are not restricted to merely keeping the audience and athletes on the high. It is also a part of the history and culture of the sport. There are numerous educational institutions with a long history of cheerleading. They take a lot of pride and enthusiasm in coming up with newer and better cheerleader cheers and chants.

Some cheerleading cheers for cheerleading praise the team and encourage it to work harder. Others make fun of the other team and try to pull down the morale of the opponents. Some cheerleading cheers are used at specific points in the game. When the game is it a very tense moment, the sound and sight of cheerleading team yelling cheers and chants at the top of their voice proclaiming their victory and the wild celebrations that would follow can easily make a difference to morale.

Good Delivery Makes a Good Cheer

It goes without saying that proper delivery makes a huge difference to the impact of cheers chanted by cheerleaders. Rather than hearing five or six sounds from five or six individuals, hearing cheers during a cheerleading representation from half a dozen individuals yelling in a single voice will have a resounding effect. These small things combined with the enthusiasm and agro of the team often makes a huge difference.

There is absolutely no denying that cheers in cheerleading form an important part of the entertainment aspect of the performance. From gentle ribbing to downright cruel taunts about the weakest player in the opponent team – cheers and cheerleading are all about the true meaning of sport. The idea is to be tough but fair.

When making new cheerleading cheers for cheerleading, it is important not to get carried away and say something that you would not want to hear in front of your parents and family members. The trick here is to be very polite and courteous and yet to get your point across that you think that the other team is down in the dumps. The iron hand in the velvet glove approach always works.

However, it is advisable not to get set into a routine. There is no harm in having a few racy and spicy cheerleading cheers in your hand to be used in the event the other cheerleading team goes out of control or beyond limits.

Cheerleader Cheers Resources

How to Use Cheerleading Chants and Yells for Best Results