Jan 122011

Cheerleaders Cheers and Chants

It is important to understand the difference between cheerleaders cheers and chants. A person who is ignorant of the intricacies of cheerleading may be of the opinion that cheerleading cheers and chants are the same. However, anybody who has been a cheerleader in the past or who has trained for cheerleading routines and chanted cheers and chants will understand that there is a huge difference between the two.

At the end of the day, cheerleading is all about encouraging the team to perform better. However, there is a lot more involved than just this simple and logical explanation to the complicated world of cheerleaders.

As a cheerleader, you will have to keep:
– yourself enthused
– your teammates in good humor
– your sports team in an aggressive mode and
– your crowd on its feet

Remember, your job is not to just encourage the team and push it along on your own. Expecting half a dozen boys and girls acting as cheerleaders to encourage a group of individuals sweating it out on the field using cheerleader cheers and chants is not feasible. The important thing here is to get the crowd behind you. Hence, cheerleading chants and cheers should be focused on the crowd as well.

Cheerleading cheers are short, quick, easy to remember and great for the adrenaline. The idea is to say something that will make the crowd excited and will encourage it to join you. You cannot expect the crowd to memorize a long chant that you have been practicing for many hours immediately, can you? Rather than just encouraging your supporters to make a lot of noise, you can teach them a few short cheerleaders cheers and chants that can be used to bring down the morale of the opponent team. As you would know, people love the idea of shouting down the supporters of the opponent team. Come up with smart and short cheers and they will have enough ammunition to stay active and vocal.

Cheerleader chants often involve complicated exercises and movements that are designed to show off and keep the crowd excited. However, cheerleaders cheers and chants that you come up for mass consumption should focus on short phrases combined with exaggerated and aggressive movements. The average Joe on the seat supporting the team is not as fit as you are. Hence, do not expect him to be as athletic as you when it comes to cheerleading. You should come up with short and innovative cheerleading cheers that can be repeated along with hand and feet movement to pump up the adrenaline and boost the enthusiasm.

The average fan never realizes that such a long and complicated process is involved in coming up with cheerleaders cheers and chants. That is the reason why cheerleading teams spend many hours trying to come up with the most creative and innovative cheers.

When you get in the zone, you may find yourself making both cheers and chants on the spot. Just keep it short and sweet so that your teammates can also be encouraged to join you. This can be a great way to stay motivated when you are tired.

Do not try to come up with cheers at short notice. Your teammates will simply not have sufficient time to learn the cheerleading chants and cheers you came up with and they cannot memorize it for effective delivery. In such a scenario, they will be forced to take a seat and you will lose your effectiveness. However, focus on cheerleaders cheers and chants that are short to ensure team support. This can easily help you make a huge impact on the game.

How to Use Cheerleading Chants and Yells for Best Results

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Jan 112011

Cheerleading Chants and Yells

Many cheerleading teams make the mistake of treating cheerleading chants and yells as an unavoidable ritual. If you have developed a tendency of performing cheerleader chants once in the beginning and once at the end of the match, you probably are not using their effects to the full potential.

Cheerleading Chants and Yells for the Team

Most universities and institutions have specific cheer chants and yells for their team. These focus on certain characteristics and qualities and praise the same. On the other hand, some offensive cheerleading chants are designed primarily to pull down the poor performance of the opposition team. If the other team is performing well, then you can make use of those chants that are slightly unfair so that the other team gets distracted and loses focus.

Timing Is Important

The timing of your cheerleader chants yells is very important. As you spend more and more time practicing your cheerleading skills, you will realize that the combination of cheer chants and motions such as hand and leg moments work in the same way as a song and dance routine. The only difference here is that there is no tune behind you and the movements are not the dance moments that one sees in films and albums. Rather, the moments are set of exercises that help you get maximum benefit out of the cheer chants that you are saying.

It is advisable to assign responsibilities amongst yourself smartly when performing the chants and yells. It is foolish to expect the person swinging at the top of the pyramid to yell at the top of her voice. Rather, a muted lip sync will suffice as long as the team members below are going full blast in yelling the chants.

When you are delivering the cheerleading chants and yells, it is important to get the timing right. Each and every cheer chant will have that ultimate moment where the message is sent across in a very strong manner. It is this spot which invariably gets you a standing ovation if done properly. Getting the timing right again and again when saying the chants for cheerleading requires a lot of practice.

Practicing Cheerleading Chants for a Great Performance

Make sure you have a few full dress rehearsals so that you do not feel as if you are doing anything different when performing in front of the crowd. These are small points but each and every point will have to be considered if you want to be recognized and described as a good cheerleading team.

A good team is one that handles not just success but failures as well in a cool and calm manner. You may end up with some days where your cheerleader chants and yells just do not work. In such a scenario, it makes sense to plan for these contingencies in advance. Mess ups do occur when you are performing cheerleading stunts at high speed. The last thing you want is to end up berating your team members in front of everybody.

Staying at the Top

There is no doubt that the poor performance might have spoiled the punch line when you were saying the cheerleading chants. However, if you make it a big issue in front of the crowd, you are only going to give more ammunition to the opposition team to put you down. In the long run, it makes sense to carry on and proceed to do a good show.

A smart team will come up with a cheer chant and yells that not only justifies the mistake but also points out that winners are those who proceed despite falling down. While you should not plan for failure, you should certainly keep a contingency plan ready to be activated in event your cheerleading chants are not executed to ultimate perfection.

Cheerleader Cheers Resources

Cheerleading cheers for cheerleading help team performance.