Volleyball Cheers Chants
Having the ability to join in on some volleyball cheers and chants for cheerleading your team to victory just makes the entire experience of watching a volleyball match more enjoyable. You may or may not know that soccer is the most popular sport world wide, but did you know that volleyball is second with over an estimated 800 million participants indulging in the sport at least one time during the week.
Volleyball is a great game to play and watch as well. The chants and cheers for volleyball are geared to ignite passion in the fans and a fire so to speak under the team. It is the fans that provide the home team with an invisible additional team player who can provide the team with the competitive edge they need to win.
Although volleyball is quite popular now in the United States; it is only now beginning to really make its mark in the sports world here. Most would assume that this sport was invented on the other side of the globe, but actually it was devised right here in the United States in 1895. Volleyball was created by William G. Morgan. Springfield College held the first organized game in 1896. It would take 68 years for Volleyball to be included in the Olympic Games that were held in Tokyo, Japan. Over that 68 year period many volleyball chants and cheers have filled the air by the cheerleaders meant to bring them alive.
Volleyball chants and cheers are used in high schools, colleges and universities all over the world. For some they may seem to be illiterate mumbo jumbo that displays no use what so ever, but to those cheerleaders who have trained many hours in order to excite a volleyball crowd with them; the chants and cheers for volleyball are the foundation of motivational communication.
There is no limit to the variety of volleyball chants and cheers in existence around the globe. It is our simple mission here to provide a glimpse into the cheers and chants in volleyball today. Here is a volleyball chant and cheer that is quite simple, but very direct:
“O-V-E-R, Over the net (clap twice), Serve it, Serve it, go team go!”
These volleyball team cheers and chants are also designed to arouse school spirit and therefore will often include the colors or name of the team in the words:
“Mustangs is our name, Volleyball is our game, Teal is our color, Black is the other, UH, you think you’re bad, UH, we know we’re bad, UH you think you’re bad, UH, trial please.”
As you can see the colors and mascot were both used in the lyrics. Taking pride in ones school is a very important part of the educational experience. Those who attend Ohio State University for example will often consider themselves ‘Buckeyes’ for life. Your attachment to the educational facility you attended and the volleyball chants and cheers that were drilled into you; do not fade forever; yet stick with you for the rest of your life.
Most of these chants and cheers about volleyball are created in the hearts and minds of cheerleaders or volleyball fans. They are not written with hopes of donning the Pulitzer prize, but with the simple intent of kindling the human spirit and charging the soul with the desire to stand and scream in support of your team. Here is another sample of a volleyball chant and cheer.
“OHHHHH YEAH! We’re bad, We’ve got the game, We can’t be had, We’re the best, Our teams to cool, We’ve got the stuff, To rock your school! Go Team Go!
These volleyball chants and cheers are magical when born from the lips of those fans or students who live and breathe the educational institution they attend. Many colleges and universities are well known for their cheerleading program and their chants and cheers for volleyball and other sports as well. Each institution holds a rich legacy waiting to be shared with the next incoming class. If you listen closely around these schools you may hear these words upon the wind:
You may be good at soccer,
You may be good at track.
But when it comes to volleyball,
You better watch your back! Hey!
Many, many volleyball cheers chant memories just waiting to be made!
Resources for Cheerleading Cheers
Softball Cheers and Chants for Cheerleading